Thursday, November 10, 2016

Celerities React to Presidential Election

As expected not many are taking the news all that well about our new President.
Here are just a few of the reactions...

Lady Gaga: "I want to live in a #countryofkindness where #LoveTrumpsHate."

Katy Perry: "Fight for what is RIGHT. Do not sit still. Do not weep. MOVE. We are not a nation that will let HATE lead us."

Madonna: "A New Fire is Lit. We Never Give Up. We Never Give In."

Chris Evans: "This is an embarassing day for America. We've never late a hatemonger lead our great nation. We've let a bully set our course. I'm devastated."

Ariana Grande: "I am in tears."

Amanda Seyfried: "Maybe this is rock bottom & there's no where to go but up."

Besides celebrities reacting on social media, Lady Gaga protested in the wee hours of the morning outside the Trump Tower, Chelsea Handler broke down in tears on her Netflix show 'Chelsea', Jennifer Lawrence penned an open letter, & leave it to Ellen Degeneres to give us an uplifting message despite the outcome of the election on her show that was filmed a day before the election results were known.

Things can only go up from here!


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